Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about cremation diamonds and how ALGORDANZA creates diamonds from ashes.
Is the ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond an authentic diamond?
Yes, the ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond possesses the same physical, chemical and optical properties as a natural diamond. Our production facilities in Switzerland recreate the natural formation conditions of natural diamonds to grow your individual ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond.
What is the price of a cremation diamond?
Is the size (weight) of the diamond determined by the amount of cremation remains used?
What happens to the rest of the cremation remains?
Is the element carbon still present in cremation ashes?
What does the ALGORDANZA Certificate guarantee?
Can more than one diamond be produced from the same ashes?
Are there laws that require that a memorial diamond be interred?
How long do I have to wait before I receive my memorial diamond?
Why are the diamonds different bluish shades?
Is it possible to synthesize a diamond if the deceased was cremated a long time ago?
Do you also produce diamonds from the ashes of pets?
Why do Algordanza memorial diamonds have inclusions?